Friday, December 30, 2005

Well Christmas came and Christmas went and it was all pretty much a blur from here. We had a nice Christmas, but is always seems too busy and too rushed and just in general too much. We were all sick with head colds and that makes everything harder. I'm going to make sure that this year I have all of my gifts made or bought as I go through the year, because otherwise I'm not going to make it through another season.

Now for the new year: I'm not a resolutions kind of girl, but I do like lists (ok I LOVE them) and I do set goals. I'm tired of all the regular goals that are on everyone's list - you know - clean house, more time doing whatever, lose weight - not that I don't need all those on my list too, but some things go without saying. This year my list will read a little like this:

Appreciate even when annoyed
Love especially when challenged
Be Patient in the face of trial
Learn from everyone especially those who are most different from me
Be the kind of friend that I want to have
Leave things better than I found them

I'll keep you posted!

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