Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"...Just Like Flies."

Watch Out! Here come the Spider Mitts:

Spider Mitts Activated!

Toby wanted "handwarmers" just like Anna's, so he could be Spiderman of course. In about an hour I made some for him and now he's a happy boy. It's not always going to be that easy is it?

I'll keep you posted!



Wendy said...

If only everything were that easy!


Grumpy said...

Now those are cool and talk about creativity! Love it! LOL!

Nope it won't always be that easy. M will only let me sew things for her these days... she doesn't like the feel of yarn/wool (knit or crochet!) *sniff!*

Laurie said...

I was just reading all the book suggestions on Alicia's website and was glad to see that I'm not the only who HATED Eat, Pray, Love. I read about half of it and then just skimmed as I didn't want to waste any more time. Very shallow and self absorbed, like you said. Most people seem to like it and I just don't know why.