Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Imagination and Inspiration

I LOVE Legos. I always had them as a child and (with the exception of stepping on one barefooted) I still think they are one of the greatest imagination toys ever invented. My kids will play with Legos for HOURS - really - and they'll play so well together while they do it - AMAZING!


Toby's latest creation.

Good Mail Day Today:


Gotta love Crafter's Choice. Of course I signed up for the two (one in each email - Casey - they are already paid for) memberships BEFORE I saw Oprah's episode on Hoarding and swore I am NEVER buying another thing - EVER! Did you guys see that? Shock and Awe I tell you - seriously!

I'm still sick so I'm going to pile up in bed with my new books and be inspired.

I'll keep you posted!



Anonymous said...

Gald to see your blogging aging... take care, get well soon!


Cloudberry said...

I so agree - lego and duplo are great to play with. My kids have got all the lego after my brother and we have bought a lot, so there's a lot to choose from ;) I prefer to buy lego insted of other toys - lego lives forever!

Lots of great books you have there!