Friday, April 28, 2006

Don't Worry - the Yarn is Saved!

For those who are wondering - yes we lost some yarn, NO we didn't lose everything, we didn't lose that much at all really. All the clean-up is finished and the plumber has a little more work to do today (new toilet, new inside waterline) and then we begin planning reconstruction AND remodeling. We've still got a great deal of work ahead of us and we're taking the opportunity to do some remodeling.

So - when we reopen we will be fresh and funky and have a whole new look!


I'll keep you posted!


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Great Flood of 06...

Well you see, there was a problem with the plumbing. Can you say UNDERSTATEMENT boys & girls - come on - I know you can.

Bottom line - plumbing/flood/gross/shop closing/plumber/sanitation crew/plumber/reconstruction/shop reopen - well in a week or two anyway.

So - what's new with you guys?

I'll keep you posted!


Thursday, April 20, 2006

"Nothing Feels Like Ephedra"

Are all of you getting those in your inbox too? Junk email is such a pain!

I'm back - we spent Easter weekend in TN - Friday in Knoxville spending the day with my Mom's side of the family and Saturday and Sunday in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg. It was bittersweet as we were there to memorialize my Mom so parts of it were really hard - especially for my Daddy. We had a good time overall.

Camel Pony
The Sign Rock Hopping
Family My Kiddos
These are some pictures of the weekend. The ponies and the camel were outside our hotel and leave it to my Anna to spot the camel. For an entire day she wanted to ride a camel and we had no idea what she was talking about - then she said - in all the 5-year old wisdom she could muster - "See - right there. I TOLD you there was a camel." - So a camel ride it was. I didn't get much knitting done and being with the entire family I didn't get to search out knitting shops on the trip, but I did finish two little kercheif scarves that I'll photograph tonight at the shop.

Tonigh is knit night and I'm very excited. I was at a baseball game last week which was FUN!!! But I've been out of the shop for nearly a week and I miss it.

I'll keep you posted!


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Shop Photos, etc.

Andrea and I visited Genuine Purl in Chattanooga last week and had a blast having a girls day! We went to a boutique with gorgeous iteams, but the best part is that Martha Jo (name of shop) is a button designer. She designs buttons (manufactured not handmade) for couture lines like Vera Wang, Ralph Lauren, etc. and she also sells retail! It was really neat and we had a blast. Here are some photos of the shop in Chattanooga:
Scarves Butterfly

Felting Wool Yarn Display

Prism Sweater

I'm behind on my Project Spectrum posting - I need to post my finished red/pink items and move on to yellow/orange. Maybe I can shoot those photos tonight and post them tomorrow.

I started the Leaf Lace Shawl last night with Cherry Tree Hill Merino lace. So far (a whopping 9 rows in) it's pretty easy. I had to put it down because I was watching T.V. and learning lace is NOT something to do whilst watching T.V. Maybe I'll get some quiet time today and have more to report tomorrow.

Andrea and I are going shop hopping again tomorrow - wish us luck!

I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

My Friend is Hurting

My heart aches tonight as a dear friend waits to hear further diagnosis about her mother. I have been precisely where she is and I know firsthand how helpless she feels. I know that God put us in this friendship for His purposes and am grateful for that. I wish I could do something to ease her pain. I know that I cannot - no one can. Please pray for her and send your virtual hugs her way.

Andrea (still blogless) and I did get to Chattanooga and had a GREAT time - more on that another day.

Thanks to all of you!

I'll keep you posted!


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm Learning!

Hey I'm learning about blog photos - getting there right?This is a photo of my last thrift store finds Thrift Store Finds
- lots of pre-felted and feltable sweaters and 2 sweaters to recycle the yarn from (the lower right pink & green). I really LOVE the sweater with all the letters on it and I think it will become my next knitting bag.

The pink and green sweaters have already been turned into this: Reclaimed

Not bad - two (plus) sweaters' worth of yarn for Anna for less than $5.00!

I'll keep you posted!


Going on a Bear Hunt

Well we're going yarn crawling anyway... Tomorrow Andrea(blogless) and I will travel from here to Chattnooga to Genuine Purl - who else knows that store? It's a wonderful place with wonderful people and I can't wait!!!! This is the only time I'm busting the "Use What You Have" April. This trip has been planned for quite some time and we are really looking forward to it.

I'll take pictures and have stash addition (like I need more yarn) photos to share as soon as I recover from yarn overload! Right now I'm going to get the kids in bed for naps, put in a load of laundry, and then knit - it's a glamourous life I lead huh? Hey it's mine and I like it!

I'll keep you posted!


Monday, April 03, 2006

Photos & More

Hi! Back from the outburst of the weekend and here on a beautiful sunny day looking forward to the week. I just added a flickr badge with my stash photos on it in my sidebar - click on there to see my stash - ok well most - well some of my stash.

I didn't feel it necessary to (admit to) photograph the two very large bins of redheart and various acrylic yarn that I have for crocheting afghans - when you're making and afghan for a kid believe me - it's going to be acrylic. Also I'm finding yarn all over the house. I keep going "wait I didn't get a picture" - I think some things are better left undocumented don't you agree?

I also need to post all the red/pink knitting I did for project spectrum - we're on to April and yellow & Orange - really? Yellow & Orange? Hmmm - maybe something for Toby - hey his orange sweater that's on the UFO list over there might get it. I'll come up with something.

Have I told you lately that I have/had the best secret pal EVER!!!! I'm afraid that she might have led me to the dark side though. April - sent me not one but TWO drop spindles and the most beautiful navy/multi wool roving ever - along with directions of course! THANK YOU APRIL!!! I'll get photos up soon I promise!

I've been looking at the flash your stash photos of others (BTW my honey thinks that phrase is entirely wasted on yarn and should refer to something much more fun - for him) and while yeah I have alot of yarn - I am not alone. I just wish my storage area was as pretty as this

Oh well you can't have it all I suppose - if you did where would you put it?

I'll have more photos of fun stuff tomorrow!

I'll keep you posted!


Saturday, April 01, 2006


Ok - I'm more than a little angry! Heard through the powers that be today about THIS insanity and complete - ugh there are not words (scroll down to "hoppin mad" post). I'm too angry to speak without regretting the consequences so I'll let you all decide for yourselves.

Annie Modesitt is completely charming and we had a wonderful time during our visit and her teaching at our shop. We were so glad to have her and can't wait to do it again!

I'll finish my photos and "flash my stash" tomorrow.

I'll keep you posted!
