Monday, August 10, 2009

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

(Even when you're not)

It's been CRAZY around here! Where does all the time go?

* The Kids are home (woohoo, though quiet is a dream that once was)

* The Furniture is all ReUpholstered

* Too many knitting projects are underway (and it's driving me nuts)

* I've been planning and sourcing for the homeschool year (which begins in a few weeks)

* I finished watching season 2 of Dexter on instant view and now I have to wait for each season 3 disc from Netflix (UGH!)

* I've read about 20 books on homeschool, nature study, simplifying your life, gardening, drawing with children, Charlotte Mason methods, and more - now I think I need to read the next Alex Cross novel and give my brain a break.

* I'm cooking and cleaning (ok not too much of either, but still) and in general trying to get this house into shape.

* Today is picture taking day and hopefully I'll get decent pictures of all (well most or at least some) of the crafty things I've been working on over the summer.

WOW - I guess that's where the time has gone.

I'll keep you posted!



Stephanie said...

It sounds like you're flying!
HOpe you've caught your breath!!

5 orange potatoes said...

My hubby LOVES Dexter and is trying to get me to watch.....I think I will now, you're enjoyment of it makes me very intrigued!

Grumpy said...

do you have book title suggestions on CM and nature study... (I'm sure not reading that big book you had! LOL!)